About us

How it all began

The Rochford Project (formerly known as The Demon Vaper) was created back in May of 2016, my name is James (Jay) and I am a designer and ex-heavy smoker for more than 20 years. I had decided to give an e-cigarette a try whilst on a business trip where smoking was going to be an issue due to the small enclosed space we were going to be working in and needed an alternative so didn’t have to disappear outside every 30 minutes. 

Using the e-cigarette was only supposed to be for the duration of the course which was four days in total, however, once the course had ended I decided to stick with the vape device and made the choice to see how long I could go without smoking cigarettes, a few days turned into a few weeks and that is how it started for me.

Creating flavours

I constantly watched YouTube videos on e-liquid and mods but then stumbled on a video for D.I.Y. e-liquid which was really interesting as being a designer I like to create things and watched as many videos as I could, I loved how you could make your own flavours with a bit of time and experimentation with all the flavourings out there so I was in my element, after around a month of sampling and mixing I had completed my first flavours which I called 'Lemon Lush' and 'Strawberries & Cream'. 

I had given a few bottles to friends to see what they thought and was really happy when they said that they really liked them and that if they had found in a shop they would have bought them so this got me thinking about if I should think about doing something about it other than just as a side hobby, but needed to know first if what I had was indeed something good and not just friends being kind, so I made the decision to contact one of the reviewers that I was subscribed to and find out what they thought from an outside perspective. 

I decided to get in contact with a well respected YouTube e-liquid reviewer (Martyn Parker) and he agreed to try them to give me some feedback. He sent back a private video on them both and offered his advice, I listened to his comments and then set about slightly modifying the flavours and when these were ready they were resent them back to him and was so happy when he gave them 5 out of 5 on both which was his top score on his channel at the time. 

He suggested that I should market them and so this is what I did, after the first review of flavours by another YouTube e-liquid reviewer Steve (Vaping Crazy) the reviews started flowing fast and things started to really take off with the brand as more and more people were talking about my flavours and the reviews were all getting positive praise.

Awards & achievements

The brand has really gone from strength to strength, first by winning the EL Science TPD competition back in 2016 for the chance to have up to 3 flavours put through TPD testing for free (Worth £10,000) by public vote, and in June 2017 'Lemon Lush' proudly took home the Vapouround award for best Dessert which was a massive achievement as most others in the category were well known brands and we were only a small company that most had never even heard of. 

In 2022 'Crimson Seed' came 3rd place in 'Best Dessert' category at the Vapouround awards which was again another great achievement as a lot of hard work and time had gone into building the brand so was very proud of this. Apart from winning awards we have also been active in various charity work helping to raise money for many great causes and won an award for our services to charity which makes what we do all worth it.

Where we are today

The Rochford Project is now a well established family run UK brand with many high reviews for our flavours, we aim to release at least 1-2 new flavours every year, however, if the flavour profile is not quite there then we will continue to work on them until they are ready even if this takes a year or more to do so. We love to get feedback on all of our flavours and any new ideas as we are constantly working on flavour profiles and hope that our customers enjoy them.